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3900 Traverse Mountain Boulevard; Suite #203; Lehi, UT 84043




Power Your California Home or Business With the Power of the Sun

Installing solar panels could be a life-changing decision, especially when it comes to cost and overall lifestyle. While making the switch to solar could still be an option you are weighing, let us help persuade you into making a great choice. At Basic Energy, our technicians have not only the knowledge to properly educate you about solar panels, but the experience to correctly install them as well. 

What Are Solar Panels?

Solar panels first started in 1954 when scientists discovered that silicon can create an electrical charge when exposed to the sun. Much has changed in over 60 years, but the concept of solar energy stays the same. Essentially, solar panels are used to convert light from the sun into electricity or energy that can be used to power your home or business. Solar power can be used to power small things like phone chargers or large buildings like warehouses. They consist of a combination of silicon solar cells that are covered by a sheet of glass and held together by a metal frame. The metal frame has wiring and circuitry to help the flow of sunlight into electricity. Together, all of these components work together to help homes and businesses choose clean, affordable energy solutions.

How Does Solar Power Work?

Solar panels work by harnessing clean, renewable energy from the sun’s light and turning that light into working electricity. These panels themselves are made up of multiple different individual solar cells that have layers of their own. These layers are made up of silicon, phosphorus, and boron. Phosphorus provides a negative charge and boron provides the positive charge which helps to initiate the electrical current. This process of the solar panels working with the solar current to allow electricity to be generated is called the Photovoltaic Effect. The more simplistic process of solars panels works like this: 

Throughout the day, solar cells in your solar panels will absorb all the energy that they can from the sun.

The circuits within those cells will work to collect the energy and turn it into direct current energy.

Once the direct current energy is created, it is then passed through the inverter to convert it to usable energy.

The usable energy can be used, stored, or sent back. 

How Can You Benefit From Switching to Solar?

Not only is solar energy sustainable and renewable, but as the years go on, the cost of using solar power is decreasing every year. Additionally, solar panels do not need to be cleaned unless you live in an area with high amounts of smog, dust, dirt, or sand. Choosing solar over regular electricity can provide you with benefits that will last a lifetime. Some of these benefits include:

Cost savings. Depending on your electricity consumption, system size, and direct hours of sunlight, you can see major financial benefits and lower monthly utility bills by switching to solar. 

Home value increase. Much like a new refrigerator and cabinets are seen as an upgrade to a kitchen, solar panels are seen as an upgrade to the home. Solar panels are highly likely to increase the value of your home by up to $15,000 if you decide to ever put it on the market. 

Eco-friendly. Even one small kilowatt-hour of solar energy that is generated will substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions like CO2, as well as sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides. You can quickly reduce your carbon footprint by taking advantage of solar energy. 

Solar Panel FAQ's

  • How are solar panels installed?

    Our solar panels are installed in a simple, streamlined process. Below is the step-by-step process:

    1. First, we will set up scaffolding. 
    2. Then, we install solar panel mounts.
    3. Third, we install the solar panels.
    4. Fourth, we will wire the solar panels.
    5. Fifth, we install the solar inverter. 
    6. Sixth, we bond the solar inverter and solar battery.
    7. Seventh, we connect the inverter to the consumer unit.
    8. Finally, we will start and test your solar panels.
  • What are the types of solar panels?

    There are three different types of solar panels you can install:

    1. Grid Connected (no batteries)
    2. Grid Connected (with batteries)
    3. Off Grid 

    Depending on which type you choose, you can then go even deeper to decide the look and technology of them. These three options include: 

    1. Solar photovoltaic (PV) panels
    2. Thin film solar panels
    3. Solar thermal panels 
  • How do you clean solar panels?

    Luckily, solar panels do not require much maintenance. However, when cleaning needs to be done, a simple hose down will work. It's important to know that you should not spray cold water on hot panels because it can cause damage. If the hose does not do the job, a sponge and soapy water should do the trick. 

  • What are solar panel kits?

    A solar panel kit is a bundle of solar energy equipment that makes them easy to assemble. A typical kit will usually include batteries, solar panels, a power center, and racking system.  A kit will help users avoid the guesswork during install. 

Say Hello to Solar

 With over 5 years of experience in this field, you can count on our technicians to help guide you down the path to cleaner energy. Taking advantage of solar power is one step you can take to help save some money while also saving the planet; BONUS! As solar panels become more popular, now is the time to hop on the bandwagon and reap the rewards. Contact us today to get a free quote on install.

For more information about how solar panels work or to get a free quote, call us at 602-688-2353 or visit our contact page.

Get a Free Quote

For more information or to get a free quote, call us at 602-688-2353  or click the button below to contact us online.


Why Homeowners Everywhere Choose Us!


Helping Property Owners Save on Energy Costs

Over a Decade of Experience in the Industry 

100% Free, No-Obligation Solar Installation Quotes

Offering a 25-Year Solar Production Guarantee

Solar Battery Storage

With the growing number of power outages that utility companies are experiencing throughout the country, it is becoming increasingly popular to have the necessary storage to power your home when everything else fails. Don’t be left in the dark like your neighbors. Never go without power.

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